Replacement Filters for HealthyWaterSupply Osmostar, Light RO and Light RO With Pump RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Systems- Bundle.
Stage 1 Filtration: Prefilter 5 micron, SKU- HWSPF5M
Stage 2 Filtration: Prefilter CTO, SKU- HWSPFCO
Stage 3 Filtration: Prefilter GAC, SKU- HWSPFGC
Stage 5: HWS Alkaline Post Filter, SKU: HWSFAL
Note: Stage 4- RO Reverse Osmosis Membrane Does not have to be replaced with every filter change. Replace on as needed basis only, on average every 2-3 years. Following Membranes are Not included with this bundle:
HWS Osmostar: RO Membrane 100 GPD by Filmtec, SKU- HWSM100
HWS Light RO With Pump: RO Membrane 75 GPD by Filmtec, SKU: HWSM75G
HWS Light RO: RO Membrane 50 GPD by Filmtec, SKU- HWSM50G