* Counter Top -No Tools Needed Installation
* Up to 99% of contaminants removed
*Alkaline Post Filter Included
* No more buying bottled water
* Save Money and Environment
* Water Filter comes Plug and Play Ready: RO Membrane and Filters are Preinstalled
* US made NSF certified(ANSI/NSF 58) Filmtec RO Membrane
Sintra Counter Top RO Water Filter - Reverse Osmosis System.
On the move, no problems. No Tools Required, just connect it to your kitchen faucet and you are done. Perfect for Renters, College Students and etc. With on board Computer you will not have to worry about anything. It will let you know when filter change is needed and you will save money by avoiding unnecessary filter changes. On board Computer monitors water quality for you, so you can be assured that you are getting the best quality water at all times. We understand that Life happens. So, Internal Leak Detector will shut the system off if leak is detected. Another Safety feature: Once button is pushed dispenses 8 oz of water at a time to prevent overflow of water if left unattended.
It comes with High capacity 100 Gallons per day membrane. Suitable for City or Well water source. Booster pump gives RO system ability to increase it's productivity. More water in less time. Enough water production capacity for a large family.
Sintra Five Stage Counter Top Reverse Osmosis system begins with stage 1, a five micron Sediment filter that traps particulate matter like dirt, rust, and silt that will affect the taste and appearance of your water. Stage 2 is a GAC- Granulated Activated Carbon filter that provides a reduction of chlorine and other materials that cause bad taste and odors. Stage 3 is an additional GAC - Granulated Activated Carbon filter which provides a greater reduction of chlorine (these are called PRE-filters because they filter in front of the reverse osmosis membrane). Stage 4 is the heart of the reverse osmosis system, the RO Membrane. This semi permeable membrane will effectively remove TDS (total dissolved solids), Sodium and a wide range of contaminants such as Percolate, Chromium, Arsenic, Copper and Lead. It will also remove cysts such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Stage 5 is a high quality Alkaline Post Filter (this is called a Post filter because it filters after the membrane). This filter is final polishing filter used as the water is leaving the storage tank on it's way up to your glass. It returns beneficial minerals to water- Calcium and Magnesium. It also Increases water Ph to alkaline level. The end result? Great tasting water!
Dimensions: W10” x H16” x D17”
Uses only HWS CT pre-filters.
Capable of making 100 Gallons of Pure water = 756 of 0.5L water Bottles a DAY!
Max. Operating Pressure: 125 psi/8.6 bar
Booster Pump: -Yes
Alkaline Post Filter Included: -Yes
Water Quality Indicator Alarm: -Yes
Internal Leak Detector: -Yes
Filter Change Indicator : -Yes
Automatic Membrane Flushing: -Yes
Minimum Inlet Pressure: -10 Psi
Working Voltage: -110V/220V
Two Pin Plug: - US Compatible
Sintra counter top RO water filter is installed under 8 minutes. Watch the video:

Compare Reverse Osmosis Water Filters
Benefit/Model | HWS Light RO | HWS Light RO Plus | HWS Osmostar | HWS Sintra Counter Top | Other Brands |
Remineralizer Alkaline Post Filter Included | YES | YES | YES | YES | NO |
Designer Faucet of your choice comes standard | YES | YES | YES | N/A | NO |
Water Quality Indicator Alarm | NO | NO | YES | YES | NO |
Internal Leak Detector | NO | NO | YES | YES | NO |
Filter Change Indicator | NO | NO | YES | YES | NO |
Extended RO membrane life: Automatic Membrane Flushing | NO | NO | YES | YES | NO |
Rapid Flow: 3/8" delivery tubing Standard | YES | YES | YES | N/A | NO |
Maximum Water Production: Booster Pump | NO | YES | YES | YES | MAYBE |
RO unit comes Plug and Play Ready: RO Membrane is Preinstalled | YES | YES | YES | YES | NO |
3 Year Limited Warranty | YES | YES | YES | YES | NO |
Detailed Description
RO water purification systems will reduce and eliminate TDS (total dissolved solids) like salts and minerals from our drinking water. However contrary to common beliefs, less than 1% of the organic minerals are actually found in most raw water supplies. With the increase of pollutants, our water supply contains mostly inorganic minerals. Inorganic minerals consist of iron, carbonate and lime compounds, which are not compatible with our bodies. The body’s cells reject these minerals leaving dissolved inorganic substances (acid crystals – minerals deposits) throughout the body. This accumulation of debris creates more work and trouble for the body, such as arthritis in joints, gallstones, kidney stones and mineral deposits in artery walls. Organic minerals that are considered soluble, which means the body absorbs sustenance into the cells, are found in our live foods such as fruits & vegetables. One glass of freshly squeezed orange juice would be higher in minerals than 30 gallons of untreated raw water. Purified water provides a necessary rinsing treatment for hydration purposes as our body is mostly fluid (over 80% water) and equally important to rinse impurities out of our body.
Drinking purified water both prevents inorganic minerals from entering our bodies and removes inorganic mineral deposits already there.
5 stage Reverse Osmosis System Membrane Rejection Rate remove/ reduce the following list of contaminants;
- Adrazin >98% - Aldrin >98% - Aluminum >98% - Arsenic >98% - Barium >95% - Benzene >98% - Bicarbonate >99% - Cadmium >95% - Calcium >98% - Calcium Cloride >99% - Chlorine >98% - Chloride >95% - Chlorinated Pesticides >99% - Chloroform >98% - Chromium VI >98% - Copper >98% - Copper Sulfate CuSO4 >99% - Criptosporidium cysts >99% - DDT >99.9% - Dichloromethane >98% - DOT > 98% - E.coli bacteria >99.9% | - Endrin >98% - Fecal bacteria >99.9% - Fluoranthene >98% - Fluoride >95% - Ferro cyanide >97% - Giardia cysts >99% - Glucose >98% - Herbicides >98% - Iron >98% - Lead >98% - Lindane >98% - Magnesium >98% - Magnesium Cloride >99% - Manganese >98% - Mercury II >85% - Methoxychlor >98% - Nickel >98 - Nickel Sulphate NiSO4 >99% - Nitrate >90% - PCB >98% - Pesticides >98% - Perchlorethylene >98% - Phenol >98% | - Potassium >95% - Phosphate >95% - Selenium IV >95% - Silicate >95% - Silica SiO2 >98% - Silver >98% - Salmonella typhi >99.9% - Sodium >95% - Sodium Chloride NaCl >99% - Sodium Fluoride >99% - Sodium Nitrate NaNO3 >97% - Strontium >98% - Sulphate >98% - Tannic Acids >98% - Toluane 99.9% - Toxaphene >98% - Trichloroethylene >98% - Trihalomethanes >98% - Total Dissolved Solids >95% - Vibrio choleriae >99.8 - V.O.C.'s >98% - Zinc >98% |
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